(by Kevin Clancey)
Water baptism has never been an option for Christians. The scriptures clearly teach us to be baptized in water. Christians may differ on what age or how much water is needed but all agree that baptism is essential. Every place in the book of Acts where the Holy Spirit is poured out on new believers it is always linked with water baptism. In other words Spirit baptism and water baptism go hand in hand. Baptism is a means of grace. This means it is a way Christians encounter God. It is more than a symbol. When submitted to in faith it makes real in us three important truths. The first is the forgiveness of sins. Water is used for washing and in baptism we are washed from our sins. Baptism is the visible sign of the invisible reality that by faith in Christ our sins are forgiven. The second truth is the death of the old life and the resurrection of the new life. The Bible teaches that when we come to Christ the old us dies and Christ raises us to a new life with Him at the center. In baptism we go down into the water and die, then we raise out of the water in new life. The third reality is the refreshing of the Spirit. God sends the Holy Spirit in us to give us the character of Christ, but the Spirit also comes on us to give us the ministry of Christ. We are empowered by the Spirit to represent Christ on earth. In baptism we are refreshed and renewed into this life of character and power. If we have been baptized we don’t need to do it again. The Bible says there is one baptism. Sometimes people want to be re-baptized but it is impossible. It is like being remarried to the person you are already married to. However people can recommit there baptism just like people can reaffirm their wedding vows. If you have never been baptized or you want to reaffirm your baptismal vows, let me know and we will set a date soon. The Bible says repent and be baptized. Now is the time.
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