Friday, January 7, 2011

The Weekly Dispatch - Fasten Your Seatbelts (by Kevin Clancey)

The emphasis of the apostles preaching in the first century was on the resurrection of Jesus. Much contemporary Christian preaching and music focuses on the cross of Christ. I don’t think we overemphasize the cross, but I think we underemphasize the resurrection. While it is important to point out what Christ has done for us on the cross, it is equally important to point out He is risen and alive. Our gospel, our good news, is a message of life. Yes our response to the cross is repentance and faith in what He has done for us, but now it is also living out a Spirit filled resurrection life.
I believe this Spirit filled resurrection life is what we have to offer to the city of Bremerton WA and our region as The Firehouse Church. We are people of hope, joy, peace and love. We live during a time and in a region where those things are needed. God is calling us to be a visible witness to the resurrection of Jesus. This includes passionate worship, joyful witness, sacrificial love and authentic fellowship. These traits will be highly contagious as we pray them down upon us.
Sunday January 9th will our first time to gather at the Oyster Bay Inn as we make the move to Bremerton. It will be a time of joy and we expect His presence to lead us. I am looking forward to worshipping with you, praying with you, hearing His voice with you. And I am looking forward to witnessing a great awakening in Bremerton, Kitsap County, the Pacific Northwest, the Western USA, all the USA and more. Fasten your seat belts.

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